Day 1 - A little human

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Yep, there always was an adventure right around the corner.

And Tetsuya found it quickly. Or more like, the adventure found Tetsuya.

As the pup was walking calmly, looking for something interesting to do while his fur-less humans came back for him, a pair of small hands grabbed him, someone jumping on him and making him fall on his tummy.

"Mum, mum! Can we keep him? Please!" Shrieky voice. So this was a small human?

"First get up from it, Yui. You're probably squashing the poor animal." Hm, probably the small's human parent.

As Tetsuya was wondering what was going on, he was picked up by the bigger human while the small one was jumping around, trying to reach the pup to pet it.

"He has a jacket on so he has owners." The big human said while looking Tetsuya in the eyes. Yeah, he knew he had beautiful eyes. So he barked slightly
in acknowledgment
, waving around his tail.

Unfortunately, the little girl thought it was some sort of a game. The next time she jumped up, she also caught Tetsuya's tail and... Harshly pulled it down.

The pup jumped in the big human's arms, whimpering and looking to the small human, accusation in his eyes. There was no need to pull his tail now, was there?

"Yui! Don't do that, you're hurting him. Say sorry now." The parent said while putting the puppy down. Tetsuya immediately looked back to his tail, it seemed alright, albeit a bit ruffled.

"Oh..." The small human looked scared. It crouched in front of Tetsuya, its hand up as if to pet him but the pup looked away. "I'm sorry, puppy." He still didn't look at the human, this wasn't going to be easy. His tail was his favourite thing (besides the Seirin jersey but don't say this to his humans).

"Here." The big human said quietly, handing something to the small one. Tetsuya's eyes opened wide. Food. Yummy food!

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now