Day 175 - Newest move

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The break was over, the puppies were on the court again. Now the match had to be decided. So the little animals were going to show their claws. Or more like secret moves with the ball.

Tetsuya was first. His control of the ball was better than ever and combined with his speed, the pup seemed unstoppable. He spun, stopped and began running seemingly randomly but it wasn't like that. He knew where Yoshi was, knew his speed. So it was easy to run around him like that and escape him to be able to shoot the ball towards the hoop.

But Yoshi had a new defending move, too. With his tail. Instead of jumping towards Tetsuya or the ball, the pup jumped towards the hoop as high as he could. And hit the ball with his tail. This didn't really permit him to take the ball after that as Tetsuya could run to it faster, but it worked better in his case.

And then, when Yoshi finally got the ball, it was his turn to show off his moves. His dribbling skills were better than before, too. And when Tetsuya stepped in front of him to block him, Yoshi did his move. It looked like he dropped the ball. So naturally little Tetsuya went after it. But then Yoshi spun and hit the ball with his tail.

While Kuroko's puppy was turning around surprised, Yoshi had gotten the ball and scored without a problem.

The scores were even again.

Could Tetsuya somehow react to Yoshi's newest move? And was there more?

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora