Day 136 - The Emperor versus the Ace

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Just as he was sitting down next to his teammates, Kuroko saw a reddish puppy walking proudly towards him. So he was at the match again. Turning around he noticed the rest of the gang in the back, Midorima, Kise and Murasakibara guarding them and trying to keep them quiet.

"They're loud again? Or the view from here is better?" Kuroko asked with a smile. The puppy sat next to him, making a noise as if to answer before turning towards the court.

"Everyone here is loud, Kuroko, it's normal." Kagami answered from the blue-haired's other side. "What are you talking about?"

"Akashi's puppy is here." Kuroko answered, making Kagami turn to him and notice the animal.

"What is he doing here? Someone will see him?!" Seirin's ace freaked out, frantically looking around.

The reddish pup just looked at him uninterested before turning forward again. Kuroko laughed at the sight, making Kagami stop fidgeting in his seat.

"Are you crazy? We'll get in trouble. What's so funny?"

"Don't worry, Kagami-kun. This puppy is clever, he knows he has to hide." Kuroko said calmly.

"The Emperor amongst the puppy gang, huh?" Kagami asked. "The poor animals..."

The boy was interrupted as the match started. Touou versus Rakuzan. The Emperor against the Ace.

One of the two was probably going to play against Seirin soon enough. The only question was who?

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