Day 188 - Plans and tactics

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In a way, Senshi's and the reddish pup's styles of playing basketball were similar. Both Aomine and Akashi knew that. So how were they going to counter themselves?

Aomine's plan was to stop Akashi from using the tiring tactic yet again. Senshi had a lot of stamina but still not as much as the other pup. So close combat had to do it. He didn't know how good exactly were the puppies defensive abilities though. He had told Senshi to try a few shots and see which one got through, then use mainly these ones.

Akashi planned on close combat too but for different reasons. His puppy was taller and could walk on two legs. They had trained this move even more. The boy had even invited Kotarou to help him. The plan was to teach his pup to dribble like him, fast enough so the other puppy wouldn't have a chance to take the ball. And both boys thought the plan had succeeded, at least from their point of view. They couldn't exactly try it on another puppy without giving away their plan or scaring the animal and its owner.

As for defense, Akashi again relayed on his puppy's advantage in the height department.

And so, the second match for the day began.

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