Day 94 - The weekend

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Finally the weekend came. And so Murasakibara was at Akashi's home. Soon though the visit would end because the boys were supposed to go out and visit the puppies.

Half an hour later Akashi let his taller friend to the street where he usually saw the reddish puppy. The plan was to find the puppies and for Akashi to talk to them. He said that the reddish one understood him (this sounded crazy to Murasakibara but he still went with it. If it didn't work he'd have some fun at least) and so he would introduce him and to the younger, purple puppy.

But when they boys arrived at their destination the place looked like a hurricane had passed through. Akashi immediately looked worried. Did someone do something to the puppies? To the whole gang?

The boys ran forward, Murasakibara following him at a slower pace, looking curiously around.

A moment later there was a loud howl. And in the same second Akashi started in that direction. He recognised the howl. It was the reddish puppy.

When he turned into the next corner, both boys didn't like the view. An old man with three younger guys were throwing stones at a few dogs and puppies. A part of the reddish puppy's gang.

But the leader was no where to be seen. Akashi looked around, searching for his pup while Murasakibara did something no one knowing him would've expected.

The purple-haired boy walked towards the humans, his expression not as bored or tired as always. More like angry, furious even.

But no one noticed him. The pack of dogs was growling and barking, dodging the humans' weapons while the humans themselves were yelling and swearing around.

One of the younger guys threw yet another stone. Aiming for a puppy with a kind of purple fur. So that was the puppy Akashi was talking about.

Murasakibara extended his arm forward, catching the stone with ease. Finally the humans noticed him, lifting their eyebrows in surprise. The dogs behind Murasakibara also became quiet, the purple puppy hiding behind him, trembling.

"This is not very nice, is it?" Murasakibara asked, his voice low. But the humans could still hear him clearly. "What if I throw this at you?"

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now