Day 111 - Unbeatable friends

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While Seirin was battling with Yosen and Akashi was running after puppies, the other guys from the Generation of Miracles met up, deciding to kill off some more time before the tournament and to try and guess who had won between their ex team mates.

Aomine, Momoi and Kise were for Kuroko while Midorima and Takao couldn't decide (although they were pretty sure Seirin would win, they always pulled it off somehow).

Also, why were Momoi and Takao with the other three guys? Logical, because there were puppies involved too. Yoshi, Hissori and Senshi were quietly (for now) laying on the ground under the table where the group had gathered. Momoi petted the animals while Takao sneaked them food. Perfect deal for the pups.

"So anyone know the schedule for the main tournament?" Aomine asked, basketball as always the main thing on his mind.

"Yeah." Midorima looked coldly at the blue-haired boy. "We have a match on the first day. Our first and maybe last match. Shutoku versus Touou."

"Really? Then it won't be a long tournament for you." Aomine laughed confidently. He was happy though. Finally someone besides Kagami who he could go all out against.

"I doubt this but you can try, I suppose." Midorima fixed his glasses, looking away. Takao nearly rolled his eyes, he knew his friend. The green-haired boy was waiting for this match since he saw the schedule. It was good that the Generation of Miracles had turned into a friendly rivalry after last year and not some mad war. Basketball war.

"Yes. And I'm going to try my Emperor Eye against Akashi's. Let's see if the copy isn't actually better. I've been training, perfecting all of your moves, guys." Kise added happily, making the other people on the table look at him with concern.

"Your first match is against Akashi?" Midorima asked.

"Not the first but the second for sure. Because we're both going to win against the small flies." Kise rolled his eyes.

"True. Otherwise it will ruin your reputation as the Generation of Miracles." Takao snickered.

"Be careful, you have a reputation too now. For playing with Midorima and for playing against Seirin. Want it or not, our fame grows." Aomine smiled, thinking of Kuroko and how he had changed everyone so much. And for the better.

"Guys, first watch your matches, then worry about the other things. There are some tough battles ahead of you." Momoi said, as always not being able to pick a side between her friends and wanting to cheer for them all. But she knew, in a few weeks she had to plan a battle against Shutoku, against Midorima and his three pointers.

She was excited and happy too though. All the boys had grown up, were more motivated and loved basketball more than ever. This meeting was just one of the signs of the change.

And after fighting against Kuroko last year all the boys seemed to be really unbeatable now. No player or team could oppose them, especially if the boys themselves used team play. Well, unless they were playing against each other. Then the battle was intense.

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