Day 17 - Worries and a good day

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"What an idiot... I can't believe he did this. Can you?" Kagami asked. "How is that even a prank? It was not funny! It was awful." He continued.

Tetsuya walked in front of him, with no injury and no hurt. He wondered what the human was talking about but didn't pay him much mind. He was thinking about something else now.

In fact, the puppy was thinking of the prank he and the blue-haired boy pulled on the red-haired one. It was fun. Great. The best one he had ever done!

And his acting was impeccable. Little Tetsuya managed to not get hurt while the two boys played basketball and decided to play the hurt puppy in just the right moment, in just the right way. The blue-haired boy was happy with him and later on even gave him bonus treats. It was a good day.

"I just can't believe him." Kagami went on as he followed after the puppy that was still walking on the leash in front of him (Tetsuya didn't like leashes very much but they were going on a walk around the streets so the boy thought it's gonna be best this way)(and said boy needed a walk to calm down a bit). "And Kuroko just went with it. With his expressionless face. And I fell for it. I can't believe it." Kagami kicked a small stone on the pavement and it flew in front of the puppy.

Tetsuya looked back at him as if saying 'Seriously, you nearly killed me and now you want to finish the job?' Kagami instantly felt bad and walked up to the pup, kneeling next to it and apologising while petting his head.

'What was wrong with him today?' the puppy wondered...

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now