Day 158 - Better chances

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While Kise and Aomine yelled and jumped around the court, encouraging their puppies, Murasakibara sat on a bench, eating as always, and Akashi walked slowly back and forward next to the court, watching his reddish puppy and Murasakibara's one.

He got lucky with this player distribution. After all the reddish puppy and Murasakibara's purple one have been friends for ages, they knew how the other moved, how fast he was, how his instincts worked. So yeah, Akashi didn't have to worry so much yesterday when he was training the pups. They worked together perfectly.

The only problem was that the two pups weren't that good at passing yet. Yes, the reddish one could pass with his front paws but it wasn't perfect, the pass could easily be stopped. And the purple pup could score only by hitting the ball with his head, he wasn't good at controlling the ball with his paws yet.

Meanwhile, Hissori and Senshi were masters at controlling the orange ball. They ran around freely, the ball seemingly floating under their paws. They were also a great team, knowing just how to pass to one another and how the other would score. The two pups had spent that much time with each other.

All in all it looked like they had better chances to win. And most of the time they had the ball, too. Until the reddish pup stole it. But still, maybe that first basket was just luck as now Senshi and Hissori had four points while Akashi's and Murasakibara's puppies had only two.

Soon enough ten minutes passed and it was time for a break. The next ten were the last chance to turn the tables. What were Akashi and Murasakibara going to do?

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