Day 126 - Easy day and tournament plans

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Break was over, the tournament continued.

Of course everyone was there to watch Seirin's match but there was nothing much to see, they aced it.

So tomorrow Yosen had a match against a new and rising team while Touou too had a match against another well known team. Of course both teams (and their aces) were sure in their win. Nothing to worry about again.

So for the last few hours of daylight, all the boys decided to go to the park with their puppies again. They had to talk over the puppy tournament, see what the teams were going to be, how long the matches were going to last, did Akashi finally find a puppy.

The last question was the most important one. If he had a puppy then the little animals would be six and it would be easier to make the teams. But the boy still shrugged, saying he wasn't sure. The reddish puppy was standing right next to him as always so no one really believed him.

In the end not much was decided but at least the puppies were too tired to do any mischief for the rest of the night.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora