Day 80 - Help given

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What Akashi saw, it wasn't what he expected at all.

There was a small puppy, curled up on the ground, whimpering quietly. Its whole fur was covered in dye. Purple dye. Who would do that? And what do you need purple dye for?

Akashi had no time to wonder about these things. He quickly knelt down next to the animal, examining it carefully. There seemed to be no other problems besides the dye. But then again the boy didn't know what dye it was or if it really hurt the puppy. Was it dangerous?

He decided that first he had to clean the puppy, removing the colourful substance as quickly as possible. But to do that he needed water and some other stuff like soap or whatever dog owners used. Shampoo?

Akashi needed to take this puppy to his home. There he had everything ready. After all he was getting ready for the other young dog that he wanted to befriend.

Sighing, the boy looked to the reddish puppy, opening his mouth to explain to him what he wanted to do. He didn't know if the animal really understood him but when he reached to pick up the purple puppy, the older one didn't stop him.

In truth, the young dog didn't really understand the human but his voice sounded nice and not threatening so he gave him permission to pick up the hurt puppy. And soon enough he understood where he was taking him.

They were going to the human's home.

The young dog thought for a bit but in the end he reached the conclusion that he trusted the human enough and that he wouldn't do anything harmful to the young one.

And so, the human and two puppies entered Akashi's home, hurrying to help the youngest one of the three.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now