Day 110 - In class

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There were two weeks before the tournament began officially. So of course all the boys were back in class, studying before going to the gym to train.

And so one of these day Kuroko and Kagami had taken little Tetsuya to school as always, leaving him out of the main building to play around or go watch the other sport clubs. But the pup was bored. So he had a plan.

Just when Kuroko was getting up, lifting his bag from the ground, Kagami said something and distracted the boy. So Tetsuya used this moment to jump in the bag and quietly sneak in the forbidden building. Luckily his favourite human didn't notice the extra weight in his bag.

Thus, the pup found himself in the boys' classroom. The teacher explained something before the beginning of class so Kuroko hadn't reached for his notebooks yet, hadn't noticed the little invader.

Meanwhile Tetsuya poked his head out of the bag, looking around curiously. There were a lot of young humans here, as anywhere around this place. And an older one talking. No other puppies though. This was boring.

And then the pup noticed one human had the same sweets the Tree gave the puppies in his bag. Tetsuya wanted some. So he quickly lifted his head, barking loudly, demanding food.

Kuroko and Kagami jumped at the familiar sound, looking to their right. There, from Kuroko's bag you could see their mascot's head showing, ready for bark number two. But the teacher also looked in their direction. And animals were forbidden in the building. So Kuroko quickly pushed the animal's head down, shushing him while Kagami pretended to be sneezing or coughing, he himself didn't know. It was weird.

Luckily the teacher believed that the sound had come from the boy though, as he soon resumed talking.

Kuroko though didn't have the chance to get out of the room and building to leave the puppy outside till the bell rang. Now what? He had to keep the animal quiet somehow. Then Kagami pushed him lightly, pointing to the boy sitting in front of him. The sweets!

A minute later Tetsuya was quietly munching on some sweets in Kuroko's bag, only his tail visible, wiggling from left to right. Until Kuroko noticed it and gently pushed it back in his bag.

The boy had never prayed that a class would pass faster.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now