Day 105 - Company

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On the next day both the Seirin and Yosen players were at the hall earlier. And both their team mascots were there.

Just before entering the building Murasakibara looked at his puppy and just told him to play around near the building. The pup just barked and turned around, looking over the place for where to go and investigate.

Before Seirin could ask anything their opponent had entered. So Kuroko decided to leave Number 2 outside with the purple puppy. That way both teams won't have their lucky charms and both puppies would have some company with no need to hide.

"You'll be alright with no humans here, right?" Kuroko asked. "We'll be back soon enough."

The pup barked happily, turning to look at the purple one who was walking further away.

"Alright, have fun." Kuroko said as he petted the pup and got up, following his friends.

Little Tetsuya had caught up with the other puppy a few seconds later, looking curiously at it. But the other puppy either didn't see him or didn't mind him. Then he suddenly began running, Tetsuya following him.

The the blue-eyed puppy noticed who they were running towards. The Boss. The pink haired human.

But there was a reddish puppy next to him. When did he get a puppy?

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now