Day 16 - The end of the prank

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While everyone was fussing over the puppy in one corner of the gym, Hyuga pulled Aomine aside.

"That's enough. Kagami is dying of nerves there, end the prank."

"Oh, come on. It's fun. And Kuroko's acting is pretty good too." Aomine smiled his kid smile.

Hyuga sighed. Then narrowed his eyes. Aomine got the hint, sighing too and giving up.

"Alright, alright. I'll stop it. For now." He said, walking back to Kagami and the group that had formed around him.

The red-haired boy was still fussing over the puppy, apologising again and again. Aomine rolled his eyes. While the others were still trying to reassure Kagami and tell him that the puppy probably didn't need a hospital, Aomine just walked to the puppy and petted its head.

"Come on, buddy, enough games. These guys here don't get it." He looked to Hyuga who just fixed his glasses and looked away.

"What? The puppy is hurt, you idiot." Kagami yelled.

"You think so." The boy answered unbothered, winking at the puppy.

At this moment, suddenly Tetsuya barked, getting up and jumping out of Kagami's hands to Aomine. The latter caught him with ease, laughing and ruffling the puppy's fur. While Kagami stood there with I Lopen mouth, speechless.

"What?!" He yelled, echoing throughout the gym.

Kuroko shrugged, everybody else laughed a bit, Aomine smirked his devilish smirk and little Tetsuya barked happily again, waving his fluffy tail.

Needless to say, Kagami didn't find this prank very funny.


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