Day 166 - Foul

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Kuroko and Midorima watched the other team's puppies carefully. They wanted to figure out their plan. It was obvious Kise and Aomine had thought of something.

Meanwhile the puppies were giving their all on the court. Hissori and Senshi though were running just according to plan, they were always near Yoshi. The latter pup was already getting tired, Tetsuya could notice this. So he tried to provoke the other team to follow him and leave his teammate to rest.

The pups weren't budging. This was the plan, tire out Yoshi and Tetsuya would be easy to deal with. They even scored a point. It was going really well.

And then suddenly there was a foul. No one expected it. Especially from Yoshi.

Hissori was guarding him while Senshi had ran forward with the ball. Tetsuya managed to push the ball out of the pup's to paw with his tail and Yoshi had to get it. At any cost. So when Hissori jumped forward, Yoshi pushed him aside with all his power. He basically rammed into him.

Momoi was surprised when Kise's puppy whimpered before falling down. She needed a few seconds before blowing her whistle and stopping the match.

Kise ran forward to check if his puppy was alright, bringing water and bandages with him, while Yoshi noticed what he had done. This was against the rules. Everyone was watching him. He pushed one of his friends. The pup got scared.

Was he in trouble?

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