Day 37 - Meet again

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A few days later Kise and Kuroko had finally arranged for another meeting between the puppies. The blonde boy had talked to his friend about his new puppy, how it wasn't actually that bad and that they were closer now. But still, the puppy tolerated only Kise. You could hardly ever see it pay attention to any other human, even to the ones from Kise's team.

This didn't dishearten the blue-haired boy though, and now he was playing at a basketball court with little Tetsuya, throwing passes at him and training new moves with the little animal. Until Kise and Hissori came to that same court.

And the puppies immediately sensed each other, soon enough seeing the other animal and getting ready for a fight again, their tails standing on end. But the humans quickly interfered, Kuroko picking up his puppy while Kise did the same with his. No fights this time, the boys hoped.

"Now, now, Hissori, behave good and we'll get to play a game against Kuroko and Number 2. Won't you like that?" Kise said with a grin, petting the puppy in his hands which wasn't dropping his eyes from the other animal.

"Number 2, I know you're a good puppy." Kuroko started talking quietly to the creature in his arms. "So please behave and don't fight. If you do that I won't be angry anymore, okay? You can even sleep in my room tonight."

Both puppies didn't exactly get what their humans were saying but they both got the jist - they had to behave their best. A second later both puppies were being put on the ground, three meters away from each other, still watching every move of the other animal. Their humans stepped back. It was time for the puppies to try and resolve everything.

How was that going to end?

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now