Day 13 - Who annoys who

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What was with this puppy? Did it hate him? Kagami rolled his eyes yet again, shooing Tetsuya away for like the billionth time. He couldn't train properly because of the little animal.

Meanwhile Tetsuya was doing everything according to plan, walking in Kagami's legs, chasing the ball, barking suddenly. It was fun. Especially the redhead's face.

Aomine and the rest of the Seirin basketball team were having fun too, watching their ace struggle with the little puppy.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Aomine-kun?" Came Kuroko's quiet voice.

"Yeah, yeah, no problem. We all know this idiot loves the puppy, he won't really be angry or hurt it. Don't worry." The taller boy answered with a little laugh before fixing his t-shirt and cracking his neck. "Guess it's time for my part now." And just like that the boy stuffed his hands in the pockets of his shorts, walking out with his slow walk, a smirk on his face.

The easiest role ever, having to annoy Kagami. Piece of cake.

"Come on, Number 2, go back in, I'm busy." Kagami groaned before hearing a laugh.

"Having a problem?" Aomine asked with a smug smile. And when Kagami was just about to answer, the other boy continued talking. "Is this boy annoying you, Number 2?"

The puppy barked in answer, as if answering the blue-haired human. Kagami looked down at it incredulously.

"What? Seriously?! You came here after me, I can't train because of you." He said, as if talking to the puppy.

"He's an animal. Do you think he can understand you?" Aomine asked Kagami, one eyebrow higher than the other (in truth he knew the puppy was quite the clever one, this prank, going according to plan till now, was a proof of it).

This time Kagami growled at the other boy. "This puppy is just as weird as the one who found it. Who knows what it understands and what it doesn't."

"Be careful, you'll insult him."

"Who?" Kagami asked.

"Who knows, either the puppy or Tetsuya. One of them might hear something." Aomine shrugged, smirking.

Kagami rolled his eyes. Great, now Aomine was threatening him.

"But of course they won't... If you beat me in one on one." Aomine looked around with a bored expression before his eyes fell on Kagami's with a predatory look.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now