Day 68 - Senshi's training

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Aomine thought his puppy was ready. Ready for some serious training. He was a fighter after all.

So the pup started going out with his human more often, either for runs or walks. Then the blue-haired boy bought some toys for the pup to exercise with. He even asked Momoi for an old rope, teaching the pup to jump higher and higher, training its legs.

Eventually the boy decided to follow Kuroko's lead and take the puppy to school with him. At first the others weren't really sure about it but soon got used to the new friend, even playing with the little animal or just keeping it company. After all he was supposed to be their mascot. And he was really well-behaved, too.

Still, if they left him alone for a bit longer, the puppy could get bored and restless. And so, sometimes, he did some not so nice things.

For example, he actually liked to scratch stuff. Everyone was surprised when they found out, especially Aomine. Senshi was a quiet, nice puppy, didn't bark or run when he should have not, never wanted new things or more food, always stood when someone wanted to pet him. So from where came this love for scratching stuff?

But when the Touou basketball team found a few ruined balls and a door nearly peeled of its paint, they new something was up. Was their mascot a cat?

This time no one really was angry but Aomine still warned the pup. Unfortunately, the next time something like this happened, it was at the boy's home.

Senshi had gotten used to going to school with his human so when one day Aomine had to leave him home, the pup wasn't really happy. And soon got bored. Even his toys weren't any fun.

Until Senshi found an orange ball. And decided to train his passes and dribbling (because there was no hoop anywhere around). Unfortunately, the little animal hit the ball too hard once and it was enough. He hit a window, quickly shattering it with a loud bang.

Now it looked like it had snowed in the living room.

Immediately Senshi knew he was in trouble.

Now what? What if his human was angry? What if he was so angry he decided to kick him out?

Senshi was scared.

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