Day 9 - Means of transport

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Tetsuya was still a small puppy. Which meant his legs were still short. And he got tired quite quickly while trying to keep up the the human's big steps.

Which meant that his favourite way to go around faster and for longer time was on Kuroko's head.

His favourite human was comfy, smelled nice, didn't move his head too much and always looked or walked where Tetsuya wanted him to. He was just perfect.

At first the other humans thought this was weird even though they quickly got used to it. But they still carried him in their arms (like a little baby which he was not!). The pup didn't have enough space or freedom to move as he liked. And it wasn't always comfortable. Or didn't always smell nice (although the female human always smelled nice, the pup would agree with that).

So when he got tired or the whole team had to walk somewhere, little Tetsuya was always on his favourite human's head. He was at a high point with good view of the surroundings.

(Okay, the pup couldn't travel by his favourite human when he was training, he had problems keeping his balance and the female human wasn't happy with him. On those occasions, Tetsuya travelled with the girl on her scooter when he got tired of running.)

Besides, when Kuroko ate something while walking, he always gave some of his portion to little Tetsuya. Maybe that's why he had crumbs in his hair and on his pillow sometimes.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now