Day 55 - Why?

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Once awake, Kagami went to the bathroom as usual to do his morning routine. He knew what to expect of Kuroko's hair so he didn't get scared as he did before once he saw the boy.

But Kuroko was the one that was scared this morning. Once he saw Kagami's hair, the shorter boy jumped back, his blue eyes wide.

"What's wrong? Is there a spider or something?" Kagami asked through a yawn, his eyes barely open.

"Um... No, Kagami-kun." The boy answered timidly, reaching for his tooth brush. "It's nothing." He said while trying to stop himself from smiling.

Kuroko leaned back a bit to look back into the bedroom. Little Tetsuya, as if he had sensed what was going on, looked up at him, smiling and waggling his tail. Yep, he was the culprit.

And so, without suspecting a thing (and without even looking in the mirror), Kagami went for breakfast with the other boys without touching his hair. So it was still a mess.

Once Teppei and Hyuga saw Kagami, they nearly spit out their food. The other boys just began laughing hysterically. Kuroko quickly went to retrieve Tetsuya's food so as not to begin laughing, too. The redhead just looked around confused.

"What's going on? Everyone is behaving weird today..." He wondered while sitting down at the table.

"Yeah, yeah, it's nothing." Teppei managed, clapping the boy's back. "You know what. Why don't you go and fetch me a toothpick from the bathroom? Thanks." He said, still chucking.

Kagami sighed, rolling his eyes, but still got up and did as he was asked to. The toothpicks were behind the mirror so the boy had to look at it. And he finally understood why everyone was either jumping surprised or laughing at him.

His hair was the reason. It looked like a bird's nest. A chewed up bird's nest. What the hell had happened?

Than it hit him.

That puppy. That monster. Tetsuya!

Five seconds later Kagami was running through the hotel, chasing the small pup which was having fun, just as everyone watching the chase.

Once he was back, all sweaty, tired and angry, Riko ruffled his hair a bit more happily, commenting on how that was a good morning training.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang