Day 125 - Going home earlier

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Training was tiring but Riko let them go earlier. Even she thought it's going to be too much on the boys of they continued on running around. After all sometimes too much training was a bad thing.

So the Seirin basketball team got to go home earlier and rest a bit more before tomorrow's match. Some of the guys went for food, to play games in the mall or to buy new manga as a reward. Others, like Kuroko, went home to check on their puppies.

Little Tetsuya was fine, even if he wasn't getting as much attention as before. He knew this was important for him humans though, so he didn't push much. It was still nice to receive a new toy from his favourite human for cheering him on, of course.

Kuroko explained that for now Kise and Midorima would look after Tetsuya and his friends during the matches, everyone else was busy. But still, he felt guilty that little Tetsuya didn't run around and play as much as before. Deciding on a whim, Kuroko decided to go out for a bit and train with his puppy.

After all, the puppies were going to have their own tournament after the one for the humans ended.

The little animal ran around happily, chasing the orange ball that Kuroko had taken with them. They even tried to play a match against each other but it was a bit too one-sided. But in the end both got a good training session out of this. And had a lot of fun.

Kuroko promised himself to give more of his attention to little Tetsuya once the tournament was over. The pup deserved it.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now