Day 156 - Work with one another

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The teams had one day to learn to work with one another. Both humans and puppies alike.

Murasakibara wasn't motivated and really didn't care much so he just gave all the planning to Akashi. But the latter also had to teach his puppy a few basketball tricks. Murasakibara's puppy hadn't advanced much with the game either but still knew some moves.

So while the purple-haired giant sat on a bench, protecting their stuff and eating sweets, Akashi ran around with the puppies, trying to teach them something while also trying to make them remember the tactic he had thought of.

Meanwhile, Kise and Aomine had an advantage as they had trained together and before and their puppies were great friends and worked together easily. So the four of them did what they always did, just played a few games of human and puppy versus human and puppy. Fun and useful.

Needless to say, tactics weren't on their minds much.

Kuroko and Midorima. Their team had more problems with human cooperation rather than puppy cooperation. The puppies were already best of friends. They were the first pups in the gang after all, Tetsuya and Yoshi. Inseparable since getting to know each other.

Their humans though had problems while planning the strategy. One wanted to attack, the other to defend. One was good at long range, the other better at short range and passing. Statistically it was a great pair up. But the two boys just couldn't agree on what to do for their matches.

In the end the plan was for every puppy to do what it was best at. And so the two pairs of a human and puppy separated, deciding to train on their own much to the puppies disappointment.

And so, the puppy tournament was starting tomorrow.

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