Day 29 - Finally

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They had found it. Finally. After such a long search. It seemed endless.

The perfect puppy.

The perfect puppy with yellow eyes, just like Kise's. So that was his puppy.

But the similarities began and ended with the eye colour. Other than that the boy and the new puppy were quite different, what with Kise's lively personality and light colours and the puppy's black fur and kind of angry personality. He kind of behaved like Tetsuya too, acting like he couldn't be bothered with the humans around him and their actions.

Still, Takao and Kise were ecstatic (the same couldn't be said about the animal though) and bought the puppy and everything it would need immediately. And of course, their next action was to get all three puppies, Tetsuya, Yoshi and the new one, together so they could get to know each other.

And of course, the new puppy needed a name, too. Maybe once everyone got to know it better they could think of something appropriate.

So on the same day, just a few hours after the labrador puppy was bought, Takao, Kise, Midorima and the Seirin basketball team were gathered in the gym building, surrounding the three puppies and waiting for something to happen anxiously.

Yoshi and Number 2 were happy to see each other since they hadn't had the chance to meet recently. The new puppy just lied down, looking around uninterested and soon enough closing its eyes, maybe trying to go to sleep.

After a few minutes of Tetsuya and the green-eyed puppy greeting each other and playing around, they decided to go and meet the new addition to their puppy club.

But was this new puppy really a new addition, a new friend, or was he just going to continue ignoring them?

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now