Day 95 - Not according to plan

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His plans had gone out of the window.

For once Akashi wanted to resolve something peacefully. And it didn't happen. It wasn't his fault now though. Still, he felt awful. Almost like what he felt during the match against Seirin.

Then Akashi saw his reddish puppy. Curled up, bleeding, his ear ripped a bit.

Worried, the boy stepped closer, making the animal notice him and tense up. Akashi immediately put his hands up, talking, saying it was just him. The pup still didn't relax.

Suddenly a loud noise was heard from where the fight was still ongoing. Turning around, Akashi saw his friend throwing rocks at the humans, hitting nearby windows and breaking them. This made the older man turn around, his face red. He pointed to Murasakibara and then Akashi, yelling for the younger guys to beat them up.

Was this really turning into a fist fight now? Akashi looked around, finding an old branch from a tree, gripping it like it was a baseball bat. He was going to defend himself and the puppy. Judging by Murasakibara's actions, he was going to do the same.

This was very dangerous, Akashi knew that. And maybe a tad bit illegal. But then again he was defending himself, he wasn't in the wrong here. Then the boy felt the pup tugging at his trousers as usual. He had recognised him, realised the boy didn't mean harm. They were fighting together.

Akashi was ready.

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