Day 40 - Arrangements

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After two hours of waiting, the two boys and two puppies finally got the news that the other puppy would survive and was going to be well. Its injuries seemed to be from a fight with another animal (not a human's fault, Tetsuya thought happily). Soon enough the two boys got the puppy, all bandaged and sleepy, deciding Kuroko would keep him tonight. Tomorrow they would show it to Aomine.

In the end little Tetsuya and Hissori didn't really resolve anything but at least weren't fighting. They had a mutual agreement to tolerate the other, at least for now. After all they were both curious about the newest puppy's story.

That night, at Kuroko's home, the new puppy got everyone's attention but even little Tetsuya wasn't jealous. He even helped pushing bowls with food and water closer to the injured animal. Still, out of politeness he didn't ask what had happened. Yet. Maybe tomorrow. As far as Tetsuya understood, the whole gang would get together to meet the new puppy.

Said new puppy just laid around, resting and letting small whimpers from time to time. It behaved nicely otherwise, thanking Tetsuya and his favourite human for the care they provided. It looked better than it did a few hours prior though.

But little Tetsuya was in good mood because of another thing, too. He proved Hissori wrong. Humans weren't bad. His favourite blue-haired human was the biggest proof of that.

Tomorrow would be an interesting day though. He couldn't wait for it.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum