Day 147 - Fourth Quarter

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And so the clock ticked, the seconds and minutes passed, Seirin was being left behind, overwhelmed by Rakuzan's power.

The third quarter finally ended, giving the players in black a few minutes to rest and try to think of something. But was there an answer? They were more than twenty points behind by now.

There was no way they could win.

Still, Kuroko decided he will play in the fourth quarter. That was the plan from the beginning after all. Besides, he still had ten minutes to think of something. Or maybe less since they had to catch up...

Meanwhile Akashi knew exactly what was going through his ex team mate's head. He was trying to think of a solution. But judging from his face expression he hadn't found any. Still, you could never be too cautious when you're playing against the blue-haired boy. Akashi too had to think of his strategy.

The last ten minutes began. Seirin seemed desperate in their attacks but still one player was calmer, observing. Watching Akashi.

This put the Rakuzan captain in an unease. So there was the first change he had planned. He would leave his plan with Chihiro, leaving it only to the older boy. Otherwise Kuroko would notice he was controlling the passes, basically controlling the game.

The white-haired boy knew this was the hardest match his ever been in, this was the hardest role he had to play. But he had to manage. He had trained for this, he could do it. So when Akashi looked at him, giving him the signal, Chihiro knew that match was on him. He had to control the ball now.

Akashi didn't go to playing like he would normally do though. No, he was going to mark Kuroko himself. The best counter measure to Kuroko finding anything was if you acted like you yourself were trying to find what he was planning. So Akashi was going to act all innocent now, stopping Kuroko's observations.

Not only was Kagami shut off now but Kuroko was, too. Was this the end to Seirin's fight?

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