Day 60 - Aomine's style

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"Pass me that ball." Senshi barked to Yoshi. "The next point is ours."

The pup was determined as he walked towards the other two. It seemed that they wouldn't have to wait much longer to figure out his move. But Senshi had spent the least time with his human. What could have he learned so fast?

See, Senshi and Aomine had something in common - their love for something connected with the streets. Aomine loved the street basketball he had played since he was a little kid himself while Senshi just loved the feeling of walking freely on it since he was born there. For both of them it meant freedom.

So of course Senshi was bound to copy some of Aomine's basketball moves.

The second Yoshi had passed him the ball, Senshi began bouncing it around quickly, jumping and running around it. He used both his front paws and his tail (obviously the puppies' tails were allowed, tails and front paws) to move around the ball but he did it at such speed that both Tetsuya and Hissori were very shocked and confused at first. When they finally reacted it was too late.

Senshi, even if he was quiet and didn't really have the same nature as Aomine, was perfect for the boy. And for his basketball style. The pup had passed the other two with a few easy moves, eventually scoring another point for his team.

This game was going to be tough. Especially if every puppy had a special move learned from its human.

If either team wanted to win, the puppies in it had to play together. And both Tetsuya and Hissori knew that now.

The ball was theirs, it was their attack. What was their next move?

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