Day 108.5 - Sprained ankle

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Koganei was a bit crazy, everyone knew that. He was loud and talkative but could easily switch to pessimistic, not so motivated guy. And the latter happened in the worst possible moments.

Just a few weeks before the tournament's beginning Koga had fallen on his right leg and somehow sprained it. It wasn't even that big of a fall, he was talking to Mitobe while walking towards school, showing him a jump and then, when landing he had stepped a bit off. That was it. It was more embarrassing than anything else.

Still, the boy stayed for the day's classes, it didn't hurt that much. But when he went to train with the other Seirin players everything went downhill. Riko immediately noticed something was off and made the boy sit down to inspect him. After just a few seconds of looking the boy up and down, the girl found the reason why Koga was barely walking by now. So she immediately send him to the nearby hospital. Mitobe came with him to help him walk.

While waiting for the results (since they didn't yet know if his leg was only sprained or broken), Koga's mood went down, he was nearly depressed. What if his leg was broken? He wouldn't be able to help the team in the upcoming matches. Yes, he was a bench player but still could help somehow. Besides, Riko let him and the other guys play more and more lately. He was going to miss all the fun, all the fights.

Poor Koganei was ready to just start crying, thinking how he had let everyone down when Mitobe patted his head and handed him a sheet of paper. The boy hadn't even noticed that his friend was gone. Apparently the doctors had told him what was wrong with Koga's leg and what to do to get better soon.

When the boy learned his leg was only sprained and would be fine by the time the tournament would start, he wanted to jump from happiness. But couldn't. Obviously.

On the next day the whole Seirin team filed in the boy's room at home, some joking, some hitting him for being so careless (Riko). But Koga was happy. He wasn't in that much trouble and soon enough would be back on the court with his friends. There was nothing to worry about.

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