Day 114 - A match has begun

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Yosen and Seirin had their first matches, too, flying through them with ease. The morning passed quickly. But the afternoon was going to be long.

Since Shutoku and Touou had their match after lunch break, and right after them were Kaijo vs Rakuzan. The tournament was going to end soon for two of the Generation of Miracles' boys. But who were they going to be?

Of course, most of the people in the audience thought Touou and Rakuzan would continue on forward. But Kuroko and his team mates weren't so sure as they had an idea of how much basketball meant for the other guys and how much they had trained.

Kise wanted to watch Aomine's and Midorima's match so of course he was in the audience, too. And so was Akashi. Both boys had to go and warm up soon though. Still, that didn't stop them from watching for a bit and even sneaking in their puppies. As every other boy with a puppy had done (since Murasakibara had treats, he was the puppies' meeting place and soon Tatsuya saw himself surrounded by little animals that he had to keep quiet and somehow hide from the security).

And so, not having to worry about their pups, Kuroko, Kise, Akashi and even Murasakibara watched with interest as both Shutoku and Touou came on the court. After the formalities the match began.

But both the blue-haired and green-haired boys seemed cautious, watching the other's movements. They knew how important this match was so they had to act only when they were sure of succeeding.

The match's beginning wasn't very interesting. Until one of the teams decided to take the lead.

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