Day 46 - Play Date

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Aomine and Kise were new to having to look after a puppy. So they decided to get all the puppies together and look after them for a weekend.

Their plan sounded all good on theory. But how was it actually executed?

One Saturday morning Kuroko and Midorima brought Tetsuya and Yoshi to Kise's home. Aomine and Senshi arrived a few minutes later. And so there were four puppies and two boys.

Tetsuya and Yoshi decided to play around with a small ball, Hissori just lied around, not paying attention to anyone while Senshi lied around because his bruises still hurt a bit. All in all, everything started good, it was calm.

Until the boys decided to take the puppies for morning walk before lunch. Then all hell broke loose.

Tetsuya and Yoshi wanted to go to a nearby park to run for a bit, Hissori, as always, wanted to do the opposite of what Tetsuya said, Senshi just wanted to relax and not move. And Aomine wanted to play some basketball. That wasn't helping Kise.

It was a mess.

But Kise somehow managed. He gave a basketball ball to Aomine to dribble around. That got Tetsuya's attention and he started following the boy, Yoshi soon following his friend. Kise picked up Senshi and decided to carry him while walking slowly to wherever Hissori led him.

In the end every boy walked two puppies the way the puppies liked it. Everyone was happy.

Once back home, it was time for lunch. Of course Kise served his puppy in its designated bowl while Aomine did the same with his new pup. Tetsuya and Yoshi had to share but they didn't mind, they'd done this before.

After lunch the boys decided to study for a bit (surprising even themselves... But in a way that was a break compared to looking and chasing after the puppies), so the little animals were left in the living room with a few toys and the TV on.

Was it a good idea to leave them unsupervised though?

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now