Day 44 - Fighter

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A couple of hours had passed since the new puppy was accepted by everyone into their group. The guys were playing small basketball games while Aomine was trying to think of a name to his new puppy.

Meanwhile, the four puppies were playing around, too, passing a basketball around. Tetsuya was picking it up in the air as Kuroko had taught him while Hissori was passing it quickly like he did when playing with Kise. Yoshi and the new puppy hardly ever joined in, preferring to just watch (because this game kind of looked like a fight between the puppies, come on).

In the end everyone was tired, both humans and puppies, so everyone just got comfortable on the grass, eating food that the girls had brought (Momoi's cooking was obviously better but the Seirin basketball team dutifully ate from what Riko had prepared, Hyuga even wanting seconds). In the end the conversation switched to the topic of the newest puppy's name.

"So? Any ideas?" Kise asked.

Aomine was silent for a few moments before answering. "I liked Kagami's idea. I'll make this puppy a vicious fighter, he'll never lose again. I'll call him Fighter. Senshi!"

Everyone around him either rolled their eyes or facepalmed. Some tried to warn him that this was dangerous but the boy didn't listen. Riko even hit the back of Kagami's head for giving the stupid idea.

But when the puppies understood their new friend's name, they seemed to have nothing against it. Senshi himself liked it, if the humans could judge by the wild movements of his tail.

It was official, Senshi was Aomine's. Or was it the other way round?

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