Day 85 - Anticlimactic

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The shopping for food ended quickly, with Murasakibara eating his snacks while waiting for Kagami to finish up. And soon enough both boys were out, walking to a nearby basketball court.

Five minutes later, with snacks finished and bags tossed aside, the two boys were ready for their one on one. Murasakibara gave the first ball to Kagami and seconds later it looked like two lightnings were running around the court, jumping towards the hoops.

Other boys gathered around, some wanting to play, some only passing by. But Kagami's and Murasakibara's game was so intense and interesting that everyone was hooked on it and soon started cheering.

But the two players on the main stage hardly noticed since they were so immersed in the game. Kagami knew his opponent was one of the Generation of Miracles and was training harder than ever after losing to Seirin (insider information from Tatsuya).

And Murasakibara knew that the redhead wasn't to be taken lightly. He was a great player, maybe even on the level of the Generation of Miracles (especially after he won against each and everyone of them, even if it was with Kuroko's help).

The match was going great until suddenly Kagami misstepped (or was he tripped?) and all hell broke loose once again.

"What's your problem? Play fair!"

"I am, you just can't walk properly." Murasakibara snickered.

Kagami walked closer to the taller boy who just looked unimpressed with the dangerous face Kagami was making.

"You said it yourself. You haven't played in ages. And I lead. I win." Murasakibara just turned away, getting ready to leave.

"We haven't finished." Kagami yelled.

"Yes, we have." The taller boy waved while yawning. "Next time I'll crush you even more."

Everyone stood rooted to their spots, mouths hanging open. Was that it? He just left. Everyone saw as Murasakibara went inside the store, coming out five minutes later with new snacks, one already halfway eaten.

"Well... That was anticlimactic." Kagami sighed.

He had to train more.

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