Day 139 - Chihiro marking Aomine?

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The reddish puppy was first to notice. Everyone in the audience could sense it. Both teams were planning something. Looks were being thrown around, the passes were more cautious. Both teams were getting ready for something.

And then, again, Aomine ran forwards with the ball, attacking. But Akashi didn't mark him, he let him pass. Kuroko sat up in his seat, wondering if the blue-haired boy finally broke past Akashi's eyes and power. The puppy next to him too stood at attention, his ears pointed forward, his eyes following the ball.

Aomine noticed this too but instead of confidently continuing forward he fumbled, confused and worried. Maybe his ex captain had read him again.

So Aomine decided to continue on solo, the team attack could wait a bit, till the next play. Akashi wasn't on him now, he couldn't stop him. But Reo and Kotaro were on him in seconds, Eikichi waiting under the hoop too. Where was Rakuzan's shadow though? Where was Chihiro?

Aomine didn't have time to wonder as he had to evade the two boys in front of him now. He easily passed Reo but the boy with orange hair managed to keep up with Aomine, smiling happily as ever. Not thinking much of it Aomine searched for one of his teammates with his eyes quickly and threw the ball in his direction. Back to team play it was.

While his teammate was dribbling closer to the hoop Aomine entered the Zone and continued on forward, waiting for a pass. But Akashi decided to meddle and stepped in front of Aomine's teammate making him stop and lose a few seconds before being able to pass to Aomine.

And in this second Chihiro appeared in front of Aomine. Was he marking him now?!

While Aomine was confused, he didn't waste time and ran past the older boy, the ball bouncing from and to his hand. But Chihiro spun effortlessly and managed to touch the ball, making Aomine lose control of it and giving Reo the opportunity to get it and run forward, scoring for Rakuzan.

Rakuzan had shut down Touou's team play with Aomine in the Zone. How did that even happen? Chihiro was marking Aomine now?

Akashi had that small smile on his lips again while the white-haired boy looked ready for more fights with Aomine. This was going to be harder than Aomine thought.

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