Day 112 - Personal training

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As the tournament was nearing, Riko put the guys to more personalized training. Every boy had a different schedule, different things to train on. But their schedules still could work together as sometimes the guys had to train together on one thing, like shooting or passing.

Kagami again had to train his legs and arm, Kuroko tried more passes and shots, Hyuga also found new steps for his three pointers and even tried to shoot from further away, Teppei too trained his legs with Kagami while showing him his Vice Claw so the boy could perfect it, Izuki trained his eyes and new moves for stealing the ball from the opponent as well as some Kuroko-inspired passes.

All in all the team was progressing good. Besides, not only the main players had personal training schedules, everyone had. Riko made the guys travel in the weekends, going to the beach or mountain to train again. They were used to it by now, expecting the tough exercises. But they could also see the improvement, it was all paying off. The early waking up, the special menu and foods, the running, jumping or even swimming like crazy. It was all paying off.

Even little Tetsuya had a schedule to train according to. Kuroko hadn't specifically said anything to Riko but she knew that later on there was going to be a tournament for the puppies, too. Especially now that Murasakibara had a puppy. And Akashi would probably have one soon enough. So Riko decided that while the guys were training and nearly dying of exhaustion, the little puppy could not only watch but join in.

The girl knew what moves the pup knew and what moves Kuroko wanted to teach him. So she researched how dogs and puppies were trained and what they needed to be healthy and strong. In the end the pup's schedule was the hardest to make. But Riko didn't mind, it was kind of fun. Besides, she was sure that Tetsuya and his human would like it, too.

And they did. Little Tetsuya had so much fun. For the first time he could actually train with the humans. Yes, he was tired at the end of the day and fell asleep right after dinner but his dinner was yummy, his day was fun and productive, he got to play a lot of games. But now he didn't play only with the orange ball, he chased after a smaller ball sometimes. Or jumped on a rope. Or had to train his instincts. It really was a lot of fun.

And he didn't do everything with his favourite human. No. He had a different human for each activity. He supposed they were the best in this area. But in truth Riko had made it so the humans could train and learn something from the puppy, too. It seemed weird at the beginning but then it began making sense to them. And the pup really was a good player so no one lost their time. The guys thought of their time with Tetsuya as a break but a useful break.

And so everyone was getting ready for the upcoming tournaments, no matter human or puppy.

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