Day 79 - Help needed

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Of course Akashi immediately began searching for a puppy suited for Murasakibara. He had a lot on his plate already but he was taught to accept any challenge. And to emerge from it victorious. So of course he already had a few leads, working out on which one to follow.

While walking home from school, for once forgotten about his own reddish puppy (well, technically not his... yet), the puppy hadn't forgotten about him. And said puppy needed help. He could not ask anyone else. This human was his last resort. As prideful as he was, he knew he needed help now.

One of the younger puppies in his gang had a little problem. It had been playing with friends on a street nearby when some old man had gotten angry and had thrown some liquid from a bucket at the animals. Not all of them noticed or could run away but this one puppy noticed. And jumped in front of the liquid from the bucket. So its fur was a very weird colour now and it smelled very weird. The pup wasn't feeling very well either.

The gang leader hadn't been nearby to help or protect but once he knew about the problem, he did everything he could. Calmed all the dogs, told them not to go on that street for now, that he would take care of it. Told the little ones where to wash off or gave them an older dog for a supervisor for now, to look after them.

But this one puppy he couldn't help. The sticky liquid had stuck to its fur. So the young dog had to ask this human for help.

Once Akashi neared, the animal came out of the shadows quietly, walking next to him for a bit before noticing that the human hadn't noticed him yet. That was weird, normally he always knew when the puppy was near. Was he busy? This was not a good moment.

But the pup really needed the help.

So, swallowing his pride, the young dog walked closer to Akashi, on his left side, closer and closer. When he had enough courage, the animal slightly bit the boy's trousers, tugging them weakly while trying not to rip them or hurt the human.

Startled, Akashi looked down to his left, noticing the animal. He smiled, mumbling a quiet hello to it.

Then he noticed the worried expression on the animal's face (as worried as a puppy's face could be). Akashi stopped walking, turning towards the animal. With a hand he gestured that he would follow the puppy.

The young dog understood that and started running back to his hurt friend.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now