Day 36 - Meanwhile

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While Hissori (or the new puppy as everyone called him) was getting used to having humans around and getting to know Kise, little Tetsuya wasn't so happy. Because his favourite human, Kuroko, was angry with him. And didn't talk to him. The pup had noticed that his bowl wasn't filled over the top like it usually was, too.

This was bad.

But it wasn't his fault. No! Tetsuya would not apologise for something that wasn't his fault. It was this new puppy's fault. It provoked him. And attacked him. Well, okay, the pup wasn't sure about the latter but... It probably was the newcomer that attacked first. Tetsuya didn't like him anyway.

But he still had to fix things between himself and his favourite blue-haired human. What was he supposed to do?

He had tried everything. Tetsuya wasn't barking in inappropriate times, didn't jump in Kuroko's legs, didn't ask for more food or games, he didn't even annoy the red-haired boy as he usually did. Little Tetsuya was on his best behaviour. And yet Kuroko still looked at him with a different look.

What was Tetsuya supposed to do?

Maybe he had to make friends with the new puppy? No. All this trouble because of this monster. Tetsuya didn't want to be friends with him, he had Yoshi for a friend and that was enough.

The pup huffed, turning his head to the other side, thinking. Maybe his favourite human would stop being angry eventually. Tetsuya hoped so.

Meanwhile Kuroko wondered what was going on with Kise and his new puppy. How were they? Were they friends or was the puppy still rude? And when could they get the puppies together to fix things? Kuroko didn't like this situation either.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now