Day 54 - Training camp

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Whenever there was a longer break from school, there was a training camp for the Seirin basketball team planned by Riko. And Tetsuya got to go on this one (unfortunately he was the only pup though, the others were with their respective owners).

But this didn't mean he'd have less fun. No, he had the most fun of the whole bunch (since all the humans but Riko were training after all). He got to run to his heart's content, had the whole beach to play on, the whole ocean to swim in, all his humans could play with him when they were free, there were three meals a day and he could sleep in Kuroko's bed.

Everything was perfect.

The mornings were the most fun though. He had noticed that his favourite human always had the weirdest hairstyle in this time of the day and everyone else also had fun with it. So little Tetsuya took it upon himself to make the joke even better.

One morning he woke up earlier than everyone. Checking that everyone was really sleeping, he then walked to Kagami's bed, to where his head was. And quietly, trying not to wake up the human, the pup decided to give him a hairstyle similar to that of his favourite human. Tetsuya used his paws and mouth to pull and push strands of Kagami's hair around so it looked as messy as Kuroko's.

The pup wondered what would the others think of that joke when everyone woke up. He walked back to Kuroko's bed like nothing had happened, proud with himself that he could prank the red-head and without Aomine's help.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang