Day 50 - Sunday

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Saturday night was nice, the boys played a game on the PlayStation while the pups cuddled up to them, tired from all the running after the orange ball. It was nice, whenever one of the boys got angry for losing a game, the pups trotted up to them, plopping down on his lap or legs, instantly calming him.

These were the good sides of having a pet.

When it was time for bed, Aomine and Kise had to bring Yoshi and Senshi to their beds while Tetsuya and Hissori followed them quietly, laying down on their own beds, too. They were so tired that even if they wanted to, they couldn't bicker about anything, just fell asleep immediately.

And so the two boys had a quiet night, sleeping peacefully.

Their morning wasn't so peaceful though. Aomine woke up to something falling on his stomach. Or more like a puppy jumping on his stomach. Senshi. If he was this playful, then he was feeling better. That thought quickly lifted the blue-haired boy's mood.

So he decided to get up earlier and make breakfast for everyone. As best as he could. At least he tried. In the end he went outside, buying a few sandwiches from a nearby McDonald's. Kise wasn't happy about that.

After breakfast the boys took the puppies for a walk in the park again, this time playing more with them so there wouldn't be any excessive energy and incidents like the one from the previous day. In the end everyone was happy, the boys laughing and the small animals waving with their tails, tongues out.

After a few hours of chasing the orange ball (that was too much basketball even for Kise... But never for Aomine, he could play even more if his stomach hadn't reminded him that he had to eat, too) everyone got back to Kise's home, getting ready for lunch.

While the pups were resting in the living room, the two boys decided to give them a quick bath in the afternoon before returning Yoshi and Tetsuya.

This was bound to be an interesting experience for them both as they hadn't done it ever before.

So they didn't know how much of a challenge it would turn out to be.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now