Day 159 - Tactics

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"I'll tell my reddish pup to steal the ball properly now, he knows what I mean. But your pup should attack." Akashi said to Murasakibara.

"Alright, he'll figure it out." The taller boy shrugged. Akashi rolled his eyes, amused at his friend's antics.

Kneeling in front of the still panting pups, the Rakuzan captain began explaining to them the new tactic.

"You'll steal the ball, like we trained." The reddish pup nodded. "Score only if you're sure you'll make it. And you, score all the time, don't worry about defense or the other team." The purple pup barked. "Good. I'm sure you'll manage it." Akashi smiled, patting both dogs. They waggled their tails happily.

Meanwhile Kise and Aomine too talked about tactics while their pups drank some water.

"They'll go all attack. So we must defend." Kise suggested.

"Naah. All attack. We'll crush them." Aomine growled.

"We better be cautious. This is Akashi after all..." The blond boy said thoughtfully.

"Look at them, how are they dangerous?" Aomine asked, pointing to the bench where the other team was.

And sure enough when Kise turned around to see them, he saw Murasakibara feeding his puppy with chocolate sticks while the reddish pup was drinking water, Akashi petting him slowly. They really didn't look so serious or dangerous.

Kise sighed. Maybe they could keep the lead as it was.

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