Day 41 - Meeting Aomine Daiki

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So on the next day Tetsuya was let to another park where everyone would gather. His humans (aka the Seirin basketball team) were already there. So were Takao, Midorima, Yoshi, Kise and Hissori (Yoshi and Hissori weren't talking to each other, weren't even looking at each other). Just as little Tetsuya was running to his friend, Kuroko caring the hurt puppy behind him, a confused Aomine Daiki and an annoyed Momoi Satsuki wandered close to the big group of basketball players.

"I still don't know what's so important to wake me up so early." The boy complained while the girl huffed behind him.

"A surprise that you're going to ruin with that attitude." She answered.

"Oh, are we playing basketball? That'd be nice, I'm up for a game." The boy said enthusiastically after noticing who else was in the park.

"No, Kuroko and Kise found you a puppy!" Takao said, pointing to the light blue-haired boy.

"What? Why would I need a puppy? Or want?" The boy asked, scrutinising the fur that could be seen from between Kuroko's arms.

"Why? You love Number 2, now you'll have your own Number 2." Takao answered happily.

"Naah, Tetsuya is enough, I don't want another animal." Aomine yawned. "So, anyone wanna play basketball?"

The pink-haired girl hit the back of Aomine's head. "Of course you'll take the puppy, everyone's getting one." She yelled. "See how cute it is! Cuddling into Kuroko like that..." The girl gushed.

"It's actually hurt. The doctor said it fought with another animal." Kuroko said.

"And lost? Not my type of dog then." Aomine rolled his eyes.

"Well, you lost to Kuroko so I'd say you're made for each other." Midorima said with a straight face, making everyone look between him and a scandalised Aomine.

"So did you! We all did!" The boy yelled.

"True. But the point is, don't reject the puppy for something you've experienced too." The green-haired answered, fixing his glasses and looking Aomine in the eyes.

Meanwhile little Tetsuya, Yoshi and Hissori had walked a few meters away from their humans, discussing the events in their own way. The blue-eyed puppy was asked if he knew something more about the injured one but the answer was negative.

What were their humans talking about? The three puppies wanted to know about the newest one, too. The best way was to talk with him but the humans wouldn't let him on the ground. So the three puppies were growing impatient.

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