Day 28 - The Good guy

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There was a very tall guy amongst Tetsuya's humans, too. The Good guy. That's what he called him. The other humans called him Teppei? He wasn't sure.

Anyway. This human was nice to everyone, not only Tetsuya but the other humans too, even the humans he played against. He was interesting.

The Good guy always helped others, was great friends with everyone, and was very good at Chase the orange ball. Him and the Tree weren't very good friends though. Was it because they were both very tall? The puppy didn't know.

But the Good guy was especially friendly (and also always bickering) with the Captain. Those two had history, that was obvious. Tetsuya loved watching them argue. The Captain was always easy to annoy but nonetheless a great friend, too.

But the Good guy was on another level. He thought of everyone, never forgot or insulted anyone. He was also the one that gave the idea to teach Tetsuya to actually play basketball (even if he couldn't quite work out the pass himself). The puppy was very thankful for that.

That human also tried to spent more time with the pup so it wouldn't get bored while watching everyone else play. He even took him home a few times. He also gave him more food than the other humans did (not forbidden stuff like the Tree but still, more food wasn't a bad thing).

There were many reasons as to why Tetsuya chose this nickname for this human, and they were all pretty obvious.

And he had a nice smile.

It was safe to say that this human was somewhere in the top of Tetsuya's favourites.

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