Day 52 - The leader

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Akashi had noticed him, of course he had. He was passing by this neighbourhood every morning to go to school after all. So he had seen him. Nothing escaped Akashi Seijuro's eyes.

He knew there was a puppy which had a whole gang, controlling a whole neighbourhood of the city. No other could beat him. He had that aura around him.

Well, it wasn't really a puppy. It was more like a young dog. But still, it was a young age to be the ruler of a pack of dogs, especially in the city where the circumstances could be very tough sometimes. Akashi admired that dog for that. For having this skill and actually using it.

So sometimes Akashi would go out of his way just to leave a little food in a small box for this puppy. But the puppy was also prideful, just like Akashi. So when it finally figured who gave the free food, the animal just looked Akashi in the eyes, its expression stern, and pushed the box back towards the human.

But Akashi just smiled a little, his gentle smile, before taking a step backwards. So the pup barked, calling a few younger ones closer, then pushed the box towards them, telling them to eat the food. With one last look at Akashi the young dog turned around and walked back to its friends. The pink-haired boy smiled, shaking his head.

Of course, if this puppy was anything like him, it would be exactly like that. Akashi really liked it. Imagine what would happen if Akashi trained it properly.

He got back to the waiting car to continue his journey to school. Maybe he should join his old team mates in this puppy owning thing.

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