Day 91 - More training

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Aomine, apart from being busy with photoshoots and interviews (only one but it still was more than enough), also decided to make a new training plan for himself and Senshi.

Yes, that was right. Lately the boy was including his puppy more and more in his basketball training. They got stronger together. And it was more fun.

He was also teaching Senshi new moves. For example, the latest one was something similar to his formless shot. Basically while the pup had the ball in one paw it could bounce it higher and jump with it, moving underneath it with his back to the ground. Then shooting it towards the hoop.

Well, it wasn't very accurate yet but they were getting there. And Aomine didn't want to practice it too much since Senshi fell on his back that way. It wasn't the best move but it was a clever one if the pup was in a pinch.

So for now the training looked like that. Running in the morning before school. Then walking to school (unless Aomine had a test or something serious. Then he left the pup with Momoi or someone else from the team). While the boy had classes, the pup either played around with a ball in the gym or ran alongside some other students from a club which had activities in the moment (this was pretty useful for Senshi's stamina and muscles. And Aomine and Senshi were famous so there was no problem to find someone to help out with that). When classes were over Aomine (of course) went to the gym to train alongside the Touou team. When that was over he stayed later than everyone (just like in his Teiko years), training a bit more with Senshi.

And finally they walked home. There Aomine served himself and the pup big portions of food (compensating for the poor lunch) and then went to bed.

Whenever he was free, Aomine trained. So not much time for homework. Still, he tried to put in effort. And somehow managed. Momoi was pleasantly surprised. And very happy.

Aomine was studying and enjoying basketball again.

Maybe it was Kuroko's fault. Maybe it was Senshi's. Who ever it was, Momoi thanked them from the bottom of her heart.

This seemed like the old, happy Aomine was back.

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