Day 35 - Finally friends

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Soon enough it was lunch time. So the Kaijo basketball team had a little break for food. Of course Hissori got his portion, too. Kise walked to the puppy and put a plate in front of it, saying that he wouldn't force the puppy to eat with the humans.

The pup appreciated the yellow boy's actions.

Said pup was also kind of hungry so it ate its food a lot faster than the humans. And soon got bored, wondering what to do (he couldn't lay around the whole day, he was a puppy, needed some exercise too). So while the humans were still busy, the puppy decided to check out this orange balls they were jumping after the whole day. What was so special about them?

Soon enough the small animal was bouncing one ball against a wall, chasing it and hitting it again and again. It was fun after all.

"Wow, good job. Do you want to play against me?" The pup recognised the voice as the yellow human's. So it stopped, turning around to look at the human and stopping its tail from wiggling around.

"Come on, hit the ball in my direction." Kise motioned with his hands, hoping that the pup understood and was in a good mood.

Hissori just moved his head to one side, wondering what the human wanted. To play with the ball? So the puppy pushed it in the boy's direction. Rather forcefully. Managing to hit Kise in the stomach somehow. And push him to the ground.

"Wow, you're strong..." The boy huffed as his team mates laughed. "Hey, I can teach you a move like Kurokochi taught Number 2. Would you like that?" He asked while getting up and slightly kicking the ball back to the puppy.

Five minutes later the puppy and its owner were playing something between football and basketball, Kise talking and asking the puppy if it could do any basketball moves.

Not that the puppy actually understood everything. It was just having fun, barking and waving its tail around.

Not that it would admit to actually liking this human. No.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin