Day 109 - Confusion and puppies

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In the end both teams, Akashi and the puppies went to the nearby market place and got something to eat while retelling their match. Kagami still wasn't sure they should do that but Kuroko reasoned that Akashi would know their moves soon enough anyway. There were cameras everywhere and he had his Emperor Eye after all.

But what surprised Kagami and the other players from Seirin was how nice and gentle Akashi was, so unlike during their match last year. Of course he had changed and was eventually nice towards the end of the match too but now they were seeing him off the court. It was kind of unreal.

Tatsuya had gotten used to it though so Kagami asked him what had happened and what he knew. The boy explained everything, the puppies, how he talked with Akashi, it seemed that this was the old Akashi, from how he was in the Teiko days. Or so Murasakibara explained it to Tatsuya.

Still, the story with the puppies was still a bit fuzzy. No one even knew that Akashi and Murasakibara had been searching for puppies. And now suddenly they each got one (Akashi politely corrected and said that the reddish puppy wasn't his, this confused everyone even more).

But when everyone decided they needed to go home, Akashi left with the reddish puppy who dutifully walked on his right side. It seemed like it was his.

Yosen and Seirin too parted ways after a few minutes, going to their respective schools to leave their stuff and talk over plans for the real competition.

Now it was getting serious.

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