Day 135 - Before an important match

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The next match was Touou versus Rakuzan. Seemed like this year Akashi had all the tough matches instead of Kuroko and Kagami. Still, that was after another day. Now everyone had a yet another small break.

Neither Akashi nor Aomine seemed worried. In front of the others that is. Internally they were both a little worried. This match was going to be big.

Teiko's ace against Teiko's captain.

Aomine decided not to train the day before his match. He was at his best already. So instead the boy went out with his puppy. Training him was more fun than worrying about an upcoming match.

Worrying about an upcoming match. That has never happened before, even against Seirin. This was serious, Aomine knew that.

So he decided to ignore it, running around the park with Senshi all day long.

Akashi didn't train either. At least not with his teammates. He too chose puppy company over them.

First it was just a walk with the reddish puppy but then they saw a basketball court and the pup went on it, seeing the human had an orange ball with him. So Akashi followed the animal and they were soon playing basketball of sorts too. The pup just mainly ran after Akashi who dribbled and shot the ball into the hoop from time to time.

It was calming, even if some passing people probably thought the boy was crazy. He was having whole conversations with the animal, even if it didn't really answer like a human would. Still, Akashi felt the puppy's support during his games. He had talked with Kuroko and the boy had told him how the reddish pup had sat next to him, following the match.

As thanks Akashi decided to give the pup a proper meal so after their strange training the boy invited the animal to his house. The pup followed him, even accepting the food Akashi prepared for him. He trusted him. That was good, Akashi thought.

Maybe once the tournament was over he could ask the puppy properly to be his.

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