Day 186 - Pretzel stick

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Kise thought of a few tactics, even going as far as to copy Murasakibara's tactic. But surprisingly nothing worked. Because either the purple pup used his speed or Murasakibara interfered with his commands.

When Kise called a second time out, he told his puppy what to do when each of Murasakibara's commands was yelled. But after a few successful tries, the tall boy caught up and stopped yelling his commands. Well, stopped after yelling one last command - pretzel stick.

Once he yelled this, his puppy stopped for a few seconds, looking at his human. Then he began moving in a completely different way. Everyone was surprised, didn't know what was happening. But Akashi, because his puppy too was born and raised on the street, understood what was happening. He had tried this with his puppy, too.

Murasakibara's pup was moving as if he was back on the street, running and fighting freely. The tall boy had even asked Akashi if their puppies could train together for a bit. The pink-haired boy was surprised at first but soon saw that his ex teammate thought about the puppy tournament quite a lot.

Murasakibara could look like an irresponsible dog owner but when you actually saw him with his puppy, you could see it was not true. He cared for his pup, actually fed him well (minus all the junk food that he himself ate too), gave him everything a puppy could ask for and played with him. Obviously, even trained him basketball.

Now Kise really didn't stand a chance. Everyone could see this.

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