Day 3 - Lost but found by a new friend

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Finally the bird flew away, leaving Tetsuya to stare up at the sky after it. When the pup looked around, he didn't recognise his surroundings. He had gone too far away from the bus stop. And that was bad.

Tetsuya sat down, thinking what to do now. He wasn't so good at following his nose just yet, he had his moments but still, better not risk it.

He looked around. Nothing looked or smelled familiar.

He was lost.

"That's what happens when you play around without a care in the world."

Tetsuya looked to his left, noticing a big brown dog. He was old, looking down at the young pup with furrowed brows (by dog standards).

"I was hunting."

"You call that hunting? You're too young to know what this is."

This dog was rude, Tetsuya decided. He wasn't that young, he had experience.

"I wasn't serious now, it was just a little exercise." The pup closed its eyes, head held high.

The old dog chucked a bit (again, but dog standards it was a chuckle). "Do you want me to walk you back to that bus stop? I can hear a teenage boy worriedly yell a name. I suppose he is your owner."

Tetsuya waved his tail happily before quickly stopping himself. "He is not my owner. He is a friend. I have a lot of human friends."

"Okay, whatever you want to call him. Come on." And the big dog decided walking, Tetsuya following him while looking around. He couldn't hear anything. Then again, he had to train that too, how to tell different sound apart. It was useful.

Soon enough he saw the human that resembled a car, the others called him Koganei. Tetsuya just called him catman.

Still, he was happy to see a familiar face. And that meant the humans hadn't forgotten him. So the pup ran to his human, making small barking sounds.

When Koganei turned to him with a smile and crouched down, Tetsuya jumped in his arms, licking his face a bit.

"Where did you go? Did you miss us?" The boy asked. "Sorry that happened, we'll make it up to you, I promise. But now we have a match so you have to cheer for us, okay?" Tetsuya agreed with another small bark.

"It was nice meeting you." The pup heard as the human carried him away. When Tetsuya looked behind him, the old brown dog was walking in the opposite direction, his back to him.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now