Day 92 - Surprise visit

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Even Murasakibara was training. The slow, lazy guy who loved eating. Even he, after the events of the last Winter Cup, was training and trying to give his all. Tatsuya liked this site of his partner's, Murasakibara could really turn into a monster if he wanted to.

One day the two guys were cooling down after the end of the day, drinking canned juice near a vending machine before going home. When suddenly, like out of the blue, he appeared.

The Teiko captain, Akashi Seijuro.

Tatsuya wouldn't admit it out loud but the guy still gave him the creeps a bit, even if he didn't have an orange eye anymore.

Murasakibara on the other hand seemed completely unbothered, not really caring who had come to visit.

"Atsushi." Akashi said in his calm voice. "I've found a puppy for you. I want you to come with me."

Well, that was a random topic. Did it really need a visit? Couldn't he ring? (Not that Akashi actually used his phone much, yeah.)

"What? Now? But I wanted to go home and relax." The giant nearly whined.

"I wanted to talk with you first. We have to plan it. That's why I'm here." Akashi explained.

"What's to talk about? If you have a puppy just give it to me." Murasakibara said confusedly.

"So now you want a puppy?" Tatsuya laughed a little. Even Akashi smiled a bit.

"... No..." Murasakibara answered while looking away.

"The situation is complicated, Atsushi. That's why we need to plan it. And we need to talk." Akashi said.

"I can help if you want." Tatsuya proposed. "Anything to bug Murasakibara."

Akashi smiled again but shook his head. "No, new and unknown people are not going to be helpful in this case. Sorry but it's a sensitive matter." Then he looked to Murasakibara. "Which means I have to explain to you how to behave, too. On this depends whether or not I get a puppy, too."

Finally Murasakibara looked interested.


Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora