Day 45 - Still the favourite

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Little Tetsuya noticed that there were more and more puppies around his humans later. There were Yoshi, Senshi and Hissori for now but probably more were going to join the gang later on (the last one never really said what was his name but the others figured it when Kise called him over a few times). Tetsuya didn't mind them at all, no, he liked having friends and someone to play with or talk to about his humans and the latest stupid thing they had done. But the pup also got a little bit jealous some times.

Because his humans' attention wasn't on him as much as it was before when he was the only puppy. It wasn't that they were paying more attention to the others, it was that the others were more than before.

Tetsuya tried to understand this and not make fuss but he had his bad days, too. And on those days he couldn't control his temper, barking and not paying attention to his humans, sometimes even going as far as biting softly the humans who didn't get his point (he didn't really hurt them though). Not even food could lift his spirits.

But the humans were clever and soon understood what was going on. They talked with Kuroko and decided to make a day dedicated only to little Tetsuya every two or three weeks. On this day they would only pay attention to him, no other puppies invited. The Seirin basketball team would go out with Tetsuya, play basketball, go somewhere out of the city for a bit, just do what the pup liked or wanted. They knew how the small animal felt, it was like getting siblings and not being as special as before. But Tetsuya was still very much special to them, he was their mascot, their lucky charm. They had to show him that.

So when one day Kuroko suddenly took little Tetsuya for a walk to his favourite park, the pup was pleasantly surprised. He liked the idea of these days dedicated only to him. And he wasn't as jealous as before. He liked this attention.

(Both his humans and the pup knew that this probably would get him to be more spoilt.)

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now