Day 43 - Accepted

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"Yeah, I like puppies." Aomine admitted. "But I would've preferred it if the puppy had actually won a fight, not gotten beaten to a pulp."

"That's what you complain about... Seriously?" Kagami yelled. "If you want you can teach it to fight and kill, you just need to train more. It's still young."

"Oh yeah, that'd be interesting." Aomine said thoughtfully while Momoi facepalmed.

"Of course that's what you would focus on..." She mumbled before walking to the puppies to call them over to the group. She picked the new one up, motioning for the others to follow. And so they did, after sharing a look.

After a few steps the girl handed the animal in her hands to a confused Aomine who was scared to touch the pup. What if he hurt it more? Or dropped it? In the end he had no choice but to take the animal, looking weirdly at it, still afraid of doing something wrong.

The pup looked straight back at him, his eyes just as Aomine's. That unnerved the boy a bit. It was weird. Like looking in a mirror. How did Kuroko survive this on a daily basis? Kise and Midorima, too...

Well, he couldn't lose to them. Aomine breathed in slowly, then sighed, looking again at the puppy.

"Hello." He said, starting to feel a bit stupid with everyone's eyes on him.

But that quickly ended when the puppy let out a small bark, waving its tail. So it liked him, right? Aomine smiled a bit.

"You should name him." Kise suggested.

"And stop holding it like that, two meters away from yourself. You look stupid. The animal won't hurt you." Midorima fixed his glasses before quietly adding 'or make you a loser, you already are'.

"Oi! I heard that!" Aomine yelled before moving the puppy closer to his body so he could hold it with one hand and pet it with the other. "What should I name you?" He wondered quietly.

Meanwhile Tetsuya and Yoshi looked to one another happily. That meant one new friend. Hissori just observed silently, keeping his thoughts to himself.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now